
 you can input textures, which are then instanced. You can select the texture to be used and apply a custom or preset ramp to phase it.

  1.  Top In: Choose the texture that will be instanced.
  2.  Top In: Choose the input that multiplies with the texture (optional) [defaults to a white texture if not used].
  3.   Ramp In: Choose the ramp that phases the other inputs (I recommend setting the alpha to 0 on one side) [if no input is provided, a preset ramp is used] 

  1. Top out: the customized ramp

  • Autoswitch:  Autoswitch: Go into the comp and place all the textures you want inside the Autoswitch base. Then, connect it to the switch so it automatically cycles through them. 
  • There is a standart ramp. All ramp parameters are only avaible if there is no custom ramp input.
  • output viewer/setup:  When I tried to use it for live visualization, I found it difficult to adjust how the ramp was instanced. So, I added an 'Edit Switch' parameter, allowing you to preview a still image of the instanced textures directly within the component. 

2nd custom page are some effects.

Downloads: 29

Created at: 4.2.2025

Uploaded: 4.2.2025