For bugreports and suggestions please open an issue on GitHubWorks great with the following TauCeti-Components:
Dashboard CuelistThe preset-manager helps you take control of your show my storing state and recalling them using the tweener-component.
The core-part of the manager is the so called
The stack holds refferences to all parameters. All storing will be done in refference to the stack.
To add a Parameter to the stack, either simply drop the parameter, or a complete component into the stack.
In the stack, you can now adjust some simple settings:
- Preload: With this functionality you can mark certain parameters to be set in now time when the preload-functionality is called. (This is currently not used by any companion.
- Type: This defines how the component behaves to interpolate the value.
To store a preset, enter an name into the text-field and hit the Record button. To delete, use the Remove button.
To recall a preset, use the dropdown-menu to select one of the existing presets. Then, use the Recall button to interpolate to the stored values.
Sometimes, you want to store different values. To clear the stack, either press the delete-button in the stack itself or use the Clear Stack button. In case you need to retrive a certain stack, use the dropdown to select a preset and use the Stack from Preset button.
All presets are stored in a component and can easily be stored as external tox-files. Every preset is represented by its own table.
def Find_Presets(self, name: str='', tag: str='') -> list[str]:
Returns a list IDs of presets given the defined parameters.
def Export_Presets(self, path: str):
Save the preset as a TOX for the given path.
def Import_Presets(self, path: str):
Load a TOX as the external presets.
def store_prev(self, prefab):
def Get_Preset_Comp(self, id) -> COMP:
Returns the COMP defining the presets given the ID.
def Get_Preset_Name(self, id: str) -> str:
Return the Name of a Preset by ID.
def Get_Preview(self, id: str) -> TOP:
Return the TOP showing the preview of the Presets.
def Store_Preset(self, name: str, tag='', id='') -> str:
Store the Preset unter the given name.
If id is not not supplied the ID will be generated based on Parameters.
def Remove_Preset(self, id: str):
def Remove_All_Presets(self):
def Preset_To_Stack(self, id: str):
def Recall_Preset(self, id: str, time: float, curve='s', load_stack=False):
def Rename(self, id: str, new_name: str):
def Push_Stack_To_Presets(self, mode: Literal['keep', 'overwrite']='keep', _stackelements: Union[str, list, tuple]='*', _presets: Union[str, list, tuple]='*'):
Pushes all the parameters of the current stack to all presets.
When using "overwrite" mode all parameters will b overwritten. CAUTION!
def Import_V3_Presets(self, path=''):
Import the export of an older V3 TauCeti project.
def PresetParMenuObject(self):