Callback Manager

Create your own Callbacks

This Component will help you to create reusable components. 
To Init your target component, place the manager inside and hit the Init-Button. This will generate two new parameters on the top level. (Adjust the owner-parameter if the manager is nested deeper then one level)
The enduser can now create new callback-dats for your comp.

To execute a callback from your code, call the Execute-method of the manager like:
op('callbackManager').Execute("Example")("Hello World", keyword = "keywordvalue)
This might look strange, but the Execute method returns the actual callback-method which can then directly be called with a second methodcall, passing arguments. 
Never store the returned callback directly, always use the Execute-method. 

Alternative, you can execute a callback directly using the Do_Callback( name, arguments, keywordarguments) method, which executes the callback in a trycatch block.
op("callbackManager").Do_Callback( "Example", "Hello World", keyword="My Keyword")

For simplicity, store the callbackmanager in your Extension as callbacks for easy use.

  • Owner: The component this one is attached to. Normaly it is the parrent, but you can also have it beside certain components.
  • Init: Creates parameters on the owner.
  • Graceful Error: Catches exceptions during execution to not hinder further execution and logs a message to the textport.

Downloads: 1708

Created at: 3.1.2021

Uploaded: 7.10.2023
Added easier ways of adding external templates fr callbacks.